
Monday, June 25, 2012

I Cracked A Century

Today marks a special day around this Dude’s house.  What you are reading is my 100th blog post. When I started doing this I never thought I’d hit 10 posts, let alone 100. In fact, I wrote 10 my very first month and thought that I’d exhausted my creativity. But somehow I’ve cranked out another 90 posts and if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve read at least one of them. If not, I suggest you go back to the beginning and read each one in order. It will be almost as exhilarating as watching an old lady write a check for a gallon of milk at the supermarket, I can promise you that.
Thanks for your support, Wilt!
As you undoubtedly know from My Favorite Season: TV, I am a sitcom buff. If such a thing exists.  And if you watch sitcoms, you know they always hype the 100th episode, because that helps them reach syndication and ensures that the producers’ grandkids’ college is paid for. The episode is rarely as exciting as the buildup, yet I’m utilizing the same teaser strategy for this post.

So while thinking of a topic for this post, I remembered that I’ve been honored by not 1, not 2, but 3 bloggers with awards lately. Since very few bloggers get paid, many give each other awards as recognition for amazing writing or to avoid chain letter curses.

I recently received awards from 2 ladies, who rock my world every week with their humor, thoughtfulness and, most importantly, passion for snark.

The awesome Zannah from Write, Rinse, Repeat gave me the Kreative Blogger Award. (And yes, it’s ironically misspelled like that.)  Zannah is a sweet Southerner who is very inspiring to me as a writer. Partially because she is like a younger, female Larry David who says the things everyone wants to say, but few ever do.  And she’s very tan.  

The amazing Sarcasm Goddess from For the Love of Writing presented me with the Very Inspirational Blogger Award. SG is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, coated in a layer of thick-cut bacon. She is a thought provoking writer about some serious stuff and also about how she hates playing kickball. She also loves bacon. A lot. Like most people like oxygen. I believe it is her edible muse.  

So those two ladies, and someone else that I can’t remember or find the link to, gave me awards recently. I guess they think I’m a good writer or something. These things usually come with stipulations.  They usually ask you to fill out some questions, list 10 random things about yourself and then select some other bloggers to receive the award to keep the chain letter ghosts from getting you.  So I’ll do just that.

The questions, directly from Write, Rinse Repeat are:

1)      What is your favorite song: Lately, The Weight by The Band. Though that could change in 5 minutes. It tells a great story in an eloquent way. And has a great chorus, too.
2)      What’s your favorite desert? Probably Mojave. But if the question is intended to ask about my favorite dessert, as most people answer it, I’d go with Banana Cream Pie.
3)      What do you do when you are upset? Depends on the cause. Usually, I honk my horn at the person who cut me off.
4)      Which is your favorite pet? Sort of a trick question, as I’ve only really ever had one.
5)      Which do you prefer, White or Whole Wheat? Whole Wheat is healthier, so I tend to lean in that direction. Not that I generally eat healthy otherwise.
6)      What is your your biggest fear?  That I’ll write a word twice in something tons of people will read, notice and laugh at me.
7)      What is your attitude mostly? Sarcastic. Duh.

Here’s the point where I’m supposed to list 10 random things about myself. Wouldn’t you know it that I just did that for a post not too long ago? Check ‘em out here!

11 Bloggers who I think deserve awards:
Zannah listed 7 bloggers and Sarcasm Goddess listed 15, so I’m going right in the middle with 11. They are amazing writers and good friends. Even though I’ve never met them in real life. Their writing inspires me to become a better writer. They make me laugh and I think one almost brought me to tears. Once. Check ‘em out:

Louise at Raising Ivy
Adrienne at The Mommy Mess
Kimberly at Sperk*
Jen at Kvetch Mom
Michelle at The Journey

To the winners, here’s what you need to do now:
1)      Thank and Link back to the blog you awarded you (i.e. me)
2)      Answer the 7 questions above
3)      List 10 random facts about yourself
4)      Pick 11 bloggers to pass one of the 2 awards listed above to
5)      Buy me a new car (optional)

I could have listed 50 more, but here’s a sampling for you of some of my favorites. I hope you’ll check them out and tell them I said hello. They might even buy you a drink.

Thanks for checking out my first 100. Here’s to the next hundred (gasp)!


  1. Watching an old lady write a check for a gallon of milk - hahaha! You crack me up!! Congrats on number 100 and thanks for all the kind words!

    1. Thank you for the award. It's an honor coming from a goddess.

  2. This cracked me up. Like SG, the old lady writing a check line made me very giggly. Thanks for the kind shout out and Congrats, Dude!!!

    1. Thank you for keeping me laughing and for the award. I need to find some mantle space for the piece of paper I printed.

    2. Obviously Wilt and I have a lot in common...

  3. Wow, Dude! Congratulations! What I find funny is that YOU inspire me! And I am really so grateful to be mentioned here. :) I so wish I could get you that new car, I really do. I will get on this task as soon as possible. First I must clean the bathroom...yuk. But knowing I can create a response post for this after, is motivating, thank you.

    1. I know you do :) Just glad to have met another great Buckeye, even if you are a Stillers fan. Thanks for your ongoing support.

  4. Congrats on such a milestone. Maybe Willard Scott will post your picture on a Smucker's jar.

    1. That would be amazing. Can you help submit me? You can use the picture at the bottom of the post.

  5. Congrats on the 100 and Huff Post! I don't know how I missed that the other day! Thrilled for you!

    1. Thank you for your support! It means a lot to me :)

  6. Hey, thanks!

    And look outside--see the car wrapped in a giant red ribbon? That's from me! (*By the way, if you can't see the car, it must have been stolen. You should really consider moving to a better neighborhood.)

    1. Hey, what the--
      OK, time to find a new place to live :(
      Thanks anyway...

  7. Congrats on your 100th post!! Also, thank you!! You totally turned around a pretty rotten day!! I need to stop ending every sentence with 2 exclamation points but I don't know how!!

  8. Congrats on the milestone, and the award!

  9. Aww... Thanks Dude! You also had me at the "old lady writing a check for a gallon of milk" line! Gold. And I really hope you are a sitcom buff because they are canceling all my favorites and I need some recs (we watch all on DVD/Hulu and have been through Flight of the Concords. I really don't know where to go next. Help oh sitcom buff!!!)

    1. Kim,
      What shows do you like that are on now? Do you watch Parks and Recreation? Louie? New Girl? The Middle? Those are just starting points...

  10. Congratulations at hitting the big one double zero! (Is that a thing? Do people say one double zero?)

    It is weird though to look back and realize that you have actually written a huge amount, isn't it?

    1. Thanks, Mike. If it's not a thing already, I think it is now.

      It's astounding how much I've written, which I realize is almost nothing compared to a lot of other people. Like you.

  11. Happy 100th. Good catch on that desert question! ;)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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