As a writer, the hardest part of the gig is coming up with brilliant topics to write about. Sometimes inspiration punches you in the face and you can’t type fast enough. And sometimes you pull an all-nighter to finish something dumpster-worthy.
One fun way of writing is taking prompts, of which the blogosphere possesses no shortage, and seeing what you come up with versus a slew of other clever scribes. The great majority are just not my style. But the wonderful Stasha from
The good life is always a lock for intelligent and thought-provoking topics as part of her “Monday Listicles” series.
When I saw this week’s prompt, I knew had to participate. It’s a list of 10 totally random questions. With my mind approaching mush lately, and with at least a half-dozen blog posts started-but-not-nearly-finished, this was right up my alley. So without further ado:
1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, and find line 4. What is it?

Given that I have a 6 month pregnant wife, it’s not super surprising that the nearest book to me is a baby name book. Truth be told, the
SIX closest books to me are baby name books. The one on top is
beyond ava & aiden: the enlightened guide to naming your baby. What’s written on the instructed page is not going to help me at all, though: “Clementine” & “Julia”. I’m semi-enlightened and all, but since we are having a boy, those names are not even close to my radar.
2) How many times a day do you say “Hi”?
I have a 2 ½ year old son, so without counting, I’d have to guess several hundred.
3) Have you ever worn a uniform?
Does Little League count?
4) What do you think about the most?
As I mentioned, I have a spirited toddler and will have another kid in 3 months. They occupy an increasingly high percentage of my cranium. How I will take care of them. How I will parent them. How I will teach them. Knowing that my actions and behavior will have a lasting long-term effect on them, I try to be very conscientious. Or as much as I can be without being completely OCD.
5) How many keys are on your keyring?
Two: car & work. I don’t even have a house key. Weird, right?
6) What was the last thing you bought?
On the way home last night, I bought a supermarket chicken to bring home for dinner. Full disclosure: it was fried.
Fuller disclosure: I bought a box of Honeycomb, too.
7) Are you growing anything these days?
Older: Hopefully wiser.
Wider: Unfortunately.
Kids: And sanguinely more patient with them.
8) What is under your bed?
A slew of shoes, in no orderly fashion. Not necessarily in contemporary fashion, either.
And enough dustballs to make a Dyson weep.
9) What is most important in life?
See #4 above.
10) What is the strangest word you used this week?
Hey, I'd love to hear your answers to any or all of the above questions.
Leave it in the comments below.